Saturday, November 25, 2023

On the Witchy Side of the Read: Claire Goodchild's "The Book of Seances"

If you're a witch who has been practicing divination for some time, then you won't find many surprises in this book. You may find some delightful nuggets, though. Using myself as an example, when I read the tarot, I read for myself or for a friend. Asking a spirit to share information about itself via a tarot spread has never occurred to me. And who isn't up for an exercise designed to improve her clairsentience skills? In regards to performing a seance, however, the "How to Perform a Seance" chapter spans pages 65 to 82. The performing of a seance as described in "The Book of Seances," doesn't differ a great deal from the usual spellcasting ritual with candles, incense, moon phases, etc. The main difference is you are trying to communicate with a spirit rather than cast for a desired outcome such as a new gig which pays you enough to live comfortably.  Or a lover who isn't a crazier than Hell.

Conclusion: If you're starting out as a witch and haven't stumbled upon a divination technique that appeals to you, then this book gives you a general overview of various methods. And it can be fun to pair this book with an inexpensive item like gem jewelry that you have charmed during the gift giving season. In regards to communicating with spirits, I suspect that the dead with whom you have shared a loving relationship will not need any external devices such a tarot, sprit boards, or what have you to drop in for a pleasant hello.  

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